Saturday, November 21, 2009

It Arrived!!!

My oilcloth has finally arrived - woo hoo!!! I will post pictures of it sometime this weekend. I am so thrilled! My plan today is to rake leaves (yuck!) and then cut out the pieces for my sewing machine cozy. My friend has a non-stick presser foot she said I can borrow and I think I might have to get that before I start stiching. I'll try on some scraps first though. If I don't need the presser foot I hope to finish my cozy this weekend.

AND, second work paid me - YAY! So I bought the two Hot Patters I've been wanting most. The Plain & Simple 24/7 A-Line and Pencil Skirts and the Plain & Simple Princess Shirt.

What's more, they shipped the patterns out to me this morning, on a Saturday! So far this company is top notch in my book.

I've also been looking at some different fabric for my patterns. There are two I really like from Gorgeous Fabrics. The first is a tweed I'd use for a skirt. This is the one on top of my list right now as they only have five yards left and I really, really like it:

(Hmmm, it doesn't look quite the same here as it does on the website. Oh well, I still love it!)

I also love this for the Princess Shirt patterns I am getting:

Obviously, the two do not go together, but I think they are wonderful!

Here's to having projects again. Cheers!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I confess I have nothing exciting to post. I am still (!!!) waiting on my oilcloth and can not buy any new fabric until next month when I have money again. Hopefully second work will pay me soon!

I did start cutting out my first muslin on the skirt from my Simplicity Pattern 2766. So far so good. I might get around to stitching some more on it tonight. I don't think it will be the world's most flattering skirt on me, but it's a start.

I am accumulating lots of patterns I want to work on. This is the pattern that first made me want to buy a sewing machine and get stitching:

I like the shorter version with 3/4 length sleeves. Shortly here I will have to breakdown and buy it. I think my friends will be startled when (if) they see me in it, but I love it!

Anyways, there is not much else going on. Hopefully, I'll have something exciting to post before too long.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Waiting Game

Still no oilcloth :( . I am beginning to fear it will never arrive!

On a happier note I went out with a friend to some local sewing shops yesterday to get the lay of the land. The Bernina shop she has always gone to is consolidating with a shop the next town over, so that's is good to know. I wanted to find out how much it would cost to service my machine since it is from eBay and I don't know the last time it was serviced. Instead of telling me how much it would cost the proprietor informed me it was stupid to buy things from eBay due to warranties, etc. (I don't regret my choice and I always realize I am taking a risk on eBay purchases). I told him I had already bought the sewing machine and wasn't getting a new one anytime soon so it was moot at this point. Servicing it will cost $150 so I am going to have to put it off for a bit, or find another shop where it costs less. I have no point of reference on sewing machine care so I don't know if that is reasonable or not. We also went to the shop in the next town over to check it out - they have some very beautiful printed cottons for quiliting. Then we hit up JoAnn's Veteran's Day Sale. I had a game plan so I didn't spend to much. I  ended up with seven yards of muslin for when I buy my Hot Patterns skirt to practice on and a Simplicity pattern (Simplicity 2766) I had been eye-balling since they were only a dollar.

My friend also gave me a rotary mat and cutter she had extras of. I am sooooo greatful as I had really been wanting these but did not know when I was going to be able to purchase them.

So for now I don't have a game plan. I am waiting on my oilcloth to come for my next project. I might try to piece together a pillowcase from some of my spare material. We will see how that goes. On a happy note Project Runway Season 3 Disc 1 just showed up from Netflix, so I can watch that while the Hubs plays his new video game in the other room.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kitty Tunnel

I whipped up the Kitty Tunnel over the weekend and put the finishing touches on it this morning. I am very happy with the way it turned out. I had a couple of minor issues with sewing the fleecy fur right-side out; it got stuck in the feed dogs a couple of times, but overall it was very smooth and easy.

The tunnel has a casing for a drawstring on one end and you were supposed to sew the other end with two lines of topstitching spaced 1 1/2" apart so both ends looked the same. I didn't really thinks both ends needed to look the same so I skipped sewing the second line of topstitching. I didn't want to get the fur stuck in the feed dogs again - I don't think it is good for the machine. If I find the tunnel needs the addtional sturdiness on the end I'll go back in and add it.

I tossed it out for the cats to explore yesterday morning before finishing up the drawstring on it this morning. Neither of them are really grasping the tunnel function of the Kitty Tunnel, though both have "experienced" it with the help of Jack sticking them through. They are both playing with it though, which I will consider a win. Chloe treats it as a giant "animal" - pouncing on it, biting it, and kicking it into submission. She is getting the most use out of it. Max likes jumping on it then skidding behind it to plan pouncing attacks on Chloe. I will post some pictures when I get home today.

(Edited to add photos)

Here is the finished product:

Max is playing with the drawstring (gnawing on it).

Chloe kept getting more into each time I turned the camera off, but here she is too:

On a happy note, the people I bought my oilcloth from finally replied to my customer service email letting me know my order had shipped out. However, they didn't say when it had shipped. I guess since I didn't explicitly ask I can't complain, but if I were answering the same email at my job (which I do, frequently) I would have included the ship date and estimated arrival date. Oh well, I know it's on its way at least. Maybe it will be in my mailbox when I get home!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I finally got the snap sewn on my tie purse. It was much easier when I sat in the living room and used some actual natural light - imagine! Here are some pictures of the finished purse:


I also made a stop at JoAnn's and bought fabric to make the kitty tunnel I mentioned earlier. This was the first time I purchased the decorator fabric without and coupon and it was expensive! For 1 3/8 yd decorator cotton plus 1 and 1/8 yard of fleecy fur it was $33.00. For which I think I could have bought a kitty tunnel. Oh well, it should be fun to make and hopefully I'll have leftover fabric. I think pretty soon I'll be able to patch together a pillow.

Here is the fabric I bought for the kitty tunnel:

It looks kind of greenish in the picture, but those are browns. I've got it pressed and am about to get started. We'll see how it goes!

OH, and I (well, my Mom) bought the cutest pair of peep-toe platform heels to wear when I finally make the Hot Patterns skirt, I can't wait! But, I have to learn how to walk in them or I'll kill someone.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I am trying to hand sew the snap on to my Tie Purse and I am having a horrible time, it looks like poo. So I am taking a break from that for a few hours. The purse looks okay - it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be when I saw its picture in the book - I'll just have to enlargen (is that proper grammar?) the pattern for next time. Pictures will follow shortly after I have the snap done - sometime this weekend.

I am looking forward to my next project, but my oilcloth still hasn't come! And they still haven't gotten back to me. So the Sewing Machine Cozy is on hold for the time being until it's material shows up. I want to do the Kitty Tunnel from In Stitches as mentioned in my last post, but I also want to challenge myself to do something with a zipper in it - like the skirt I had picked out from Hot Patterns. I am in a holding pattern for right now.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I finally finished up the boxers I was working on this afternoon. I was kind of lazy about getting around to the hems, but they ended up going really fast. The fly wasn't too bad. I just followed the instructions in the book and we got there okay. Jack says it is set a bit high, maybe I can figure out how to fix that on my next pair. One thing I can tell is that the next pair will not be in flannel, it was a pain in the patoot to work with, being all sticky.

Here are some photos of the finished project:

It's kind of hard to see much because of the crazy print, but they look like boxers I think.

Here's proof they include a fly and leg holes. I was going to take a picture wearing them, but I decided not to subject you to my bare legs.

Next I am going to draw out the pattern for my tie purse. Dena, the project coordinator at one of my jobs, was nice enough to give me some remnants of paper to draw my patterns on. It's an engineering and surveying firm so it's nice wide paper they print out plans on. This way I don't have to go buy pattern paper - YAY!

I also checked out the book In Stiches by Amy Butler from the library. She has some cute little projects I think I can tackle, like a Kitty Tube. Our cats will like that.

I am still waiting on receiving my oilcloth and am starting to get a bit peeved. If they mailed it out when they said they were going to it should have been here by now. I sent them an email yesterday to make sure the order had shipped and they have not gotten back to me yet. Grrr!

I was browsing some patterns at work and found a whole bunch I really liked on Hot Patterns website. I had hear of hot patterns before, but assumed they were too fashion forward and would not come in sizes large enough to accommodate by front and my rear. I went to check out their site and they have some really cute stuff and the majority of it is sized large enough to fit me! I am really excited. Once I have money again I am going to buy this pattern:

Anyways, I am off to the drawing board!

Monday, November 2, 2009


So it turns out I was putting my bobbin in wrong. I fixed it and now my stitching looks much better. On to the boxer shorts!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Project #2 - Tote Bag, again

Friday after work a I came home and began cutting out pieces for my second tote bag. I stopped in the middle to go with Jack to The Rock where I indulged in a Bucket and was very happy for the next hour or two. When I got back I resumed sewing. I knew I wanted to put a pocket on this one, but the instructions with the pattern were very confusing to me. I ended up looking at the picture and guessing. It's not perfect, but I got it on there, which makes me happy. I had the same bobble with the lining not quite fitting into the actual tote, but it was more obvious this time due to where I started stitching it in. It didn't bother me enough to rip it out and start over though. I am much happier with how the handles went on. Again, they are not perfect, but they look a lot better than my first attempt. Here is the new tote bag:

With the two tote bags finished I was in need of a new project. I knew I wanted to make the Sewing Machine Cozy from the SEW Everything Workshop so a few days ago I ordered my oilcloth for the project. It should arrive in my mailbox any day now. I needed to get bias tape for the cozy and I wanted to try a couple of new patterns from the SEW Everything Workshop so I headed to Joann's today, feeling much more confident this time, to see what I could find. I had a couple of different project ideas on the plate, depending on what fabrics I found. I ended up with some flannel to try making boxer shorts for Jack and some taffeta and denim to make a tie purse. The flannel is kind of wild, but I am really excited about the taffeta I picked up.

The dark brown is the lining of the bag. And, (DOH!) I forgot to get pattern paper while I was there. I have to draw out the purse pattern. I am hoping I can pick it up from Ben Franklin's in Bonney Lake instead of having to drive all the way back to the JoAnn's on South Hill. So unfortunately, I can't start the bag tonight, but that's okay since I have the boxers to work on.

I also checked out a new book from the library, Sew U: The Built by Wendy Guide to Making Your Own Wardrobe. There are definitely some similarities between it and SEW Everything Workshop, but flipping through it looks like it might have more direction for beginners on garment construction, but still maintains that easy conversational (your not an idiot) tone, that is absent from the Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing (which I need to get still, I returned my library copy today).

I am really excited to get started. I'll get pictures posted in a few days.